Council, Division 5June 11, 2024 / 2 minute read

Pony club jumping for joy

Park Ridge Pony Club members are jumping for joy over a restored feature at their home ground in Judith Park, Crestmead.

A challenging multi-level log-based jump has been constructed by Logan City Council on a cross-country course being developed by the club.

The new jump is on a section of the course that was impacted by Logan Water laying critical pipeline infrastructure to service growing nearby suburbs.

Club secretary Angela McGillivray says interest in equestrian cross-country competition is booming.

’Riders and their horses have to go as fast as they can and many find this type of competition a lot of fun,’ Angela says.

The new jump has multiple levels that requires competitors and their mounts to jump up to an elevated flat surface
and then get across another stack of logs to get back down.

Park Ridge Pony Club formed in 1969 and moved to Judith Park in 1979.

Angela says it now has more than 40 members of all ages who compete in cross-country, showjumping and dressage.

Division 5 Councillor Paul Jackson says equestrian sports and recreation are an important part of the Logan lifestyle.

‘Many of our suburbs include rural areas where some families have kept horses for many generations,’ Cr Jackson says.

‘Equestrian sports are one of the few where men and women compete together and they are also part of the Olympics and Paralympics.

‘It would be terrific if we had someone competing in the 2032 Games in Brisbane who once honed their riding skills at Judith Park in Crestmead.’

Angela’s pride and joy is a gelding she calls Ponga. Now 7 years old, the former racehorse competes as Cool Under Fire.

Angela no longer rides competitively due to injury, but young club members Anika Barrett and Emily Wonka share Ponga to compete in cross-country, showjumping and hacking.

‘I get a thrill out of watching them all compete,’ she says.

Park Ridge Pony Club welcomes new members.

By Geoff Stead

Photo at top: Cr Paul Jackson with Anika Barrett on Cool Under Fire at Park Ridge Pony Club

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