• New Logan Village Skate Park work begins
Division 4July 29, 2022 / 2 minute read

New skate park build in Logan Village

Skaters will soon be able to rail after the sun goes down with construction about to begin on a new skate park at Logan Village.

Logan City Council has listened to community feedback and will include lighting to allow the Logan Village Green facility to be used at night.

Council will also install shade structures and plant more trees to provide shade for park users.

Footpath access points are designed to minimise accident risk between skaters and pedestrians.

City of Logan Mayor Darren Power joined Planning Chair, Councillor Jon Raven and Division 4 Councillor, Laurie Koranski, at a sod turn today to mark the start of the build.

Also present were special guests Janelle and Jeff Smith. Their late son Clinton was instrumental in the design of the previous skatepark.

The Mayor said the skate park was the latest upgrade to the popular Logan Village Green.

Previous works include an adventure playground, enhanced heritage precinct, upgraded events space and new RSL cenotaph.

‘Residents had their say on the future of Logan Village, and Council has listened,’ Cr Power says.

‘These key projects are all part of the Master Plan for Logan Village Green that came out of the Forum Council ran in 2018.’

Cr Raven said Council’s investment in the Green provided benefits for the entire city.

‘Logan Village has some enormous potential, and the work we are doing here adds to that,’ he said.

‘These projects are great for locals, but we also want to draw people from further afield to enjoy what Logan Village has to offer.’

Cr Koranski said all skaters would find something to challenge them at the park.

‘We have taken onboard expert advice to ensure the new facility caters for all age groups and rider abilities,’ Cr Koranski says.

She also hopes the facility will be used for competition events as well as recreation.

‘We are looking forward to seeing in the first skate events on the Village Green later in the year.’

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