Media PortalJuly 26, 2023 / 2 minute read

Logan Recycling Market

Early shoppers get recycling bargains

New operating hours will apply at the Logan Recycling Market from Friday, August 18.

The market, at Logan City Council’s Browns Plains Waste and Recycling Facility, is one of the most popular of its kind in South East Queensland.

The new hours will ensure the public is best-served on days and during operating times which historically have proven most popular – Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The market will no longer open on Mondays.

The new hours are:

  • Friday: 10am to 3pm
  • Saturday: 10am to 3pm
  • Sunday: 10am to 3pm

Waste and Resource Recovery Chair, Councillor Jon Raven said the operating times had been adjusted after a review of customer visitation and activity at the market. Admission is still free.

“We know everyone loves to come to the Logan Recycling Market to get a bargain and that’s why there are often long lines to be first in on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays,” Cr Raven said.

“These new hours will help peak times run smoothly and make sure we recycle more items than ever.”

The new hours will also provide opportunities for staff and resources to be assigned to the customer recycling materials drop-off shed and green waste drop-off areas.

City of Logan ratepayers get four free tipping vouchers annually.

Residential green waste (garden vegetation only) can be dumped for free at all Council waste facilities.

When no free voucher is presented, fees for domestic waste loads are:

  • Small (up to 240 litres – similar to a full wheelie bin): $10
  • Medium (up to 1 cubic metre – a full sedan boot or utility tray): $19
  • Large (up to 2 cubic metres – a full trailer or full utility): $30

 Fees for commercial general waste vary across general and green waste, load size and those facilities with a weighbridge (Browns Plains and Carbrook) and non-weighbridge sites (Greenbank, Logan Village and Beenleigh).

“If you don’t have a voucher, please make sure you sort your load into piles of recycling materials, green waste and landfill rubbish, so you are only charged for waste that goes to landfill,” Cr Raven said.

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