Media PortalJuly 11, 2024 / 2 minute read

Gossia gets new lease on life

Funding keeps native tree flowering for the future

A new leaf has been turned over in the fight to save the rare Gossia gonoclada tree.

The endangered City of Logan resident, also known as the angle-stemmed myrtle, will be further protected thanks to Logan City Council and grant funding received from the Australian Government Saving Native Species Program.

The rainforest species is found almost exclusively in the City of Logan, which is home to around 90 per cent of Australia’s remaining plants.

Council’s ‘Recovery of the Angle-Stemmed Myrtle in the City of Logan’ project recently received the $96,026 grant for the planting of 104 saplings at suitable sites across the city.

The funding is also being used to plant buffer gardens around existing Gossia gonoclada trees at three local parks.

The works support Council’s Gossia gonoclada Recovery Plan (2019-2029) to conserve the species and ensure its long-term viability.

Mayor Jon Raven said every dollar invested in the preservation of native species was money well spent.

“At the end of the day, our native trees have simple needs – just water, sunlight and some good City of Logan soil to thrive in,” Cr Raven said.

“But we also know that endangered trees like our Gossia, which is under threat due to disease and habitat loss, also require our close care and attention, to ensure their survival.

“The City of Logan is proud to be a safe haven for this nationally important tree, and we’re grateful for the Government’s help in giving the Gossia a home.”

Council will continue to maintain the new buffer gardens and saplings over the next two years, and keep them free of weeds.

The Gossia gonoclada has flaky bark, glossy green leaves, purple-black fruit and distinctive white flowers.

City of Logan residents can get more information, or report sightings at:


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