People of LoganOctober 14, 2024 / 3 minute read

New life within the library

Libraries have been at the centre of civilisations for centuries, with modern-day versions still changing lives for the better in their local communities – just like Jelena Mijailovic in the City of Logan.

Jelena’s trips to Logan’s libraries have changed her life ever since she began volunteering at Marsden Library about 7 years ago.

Now when she walks through the library doors, Jelena feels a sense of belonging that was previously difficult to find.

Her mum, Sue, says volunteering at the library has allowed Jelena to discover many new experiences, from fun books to read, through to new words, and ways of communicating and connecting with others.

Jelena also visits Logan North Library.

‘We’re very happy with how inclusive Logan City Council Libraries are and how people with disability are valued,’ Sue says.

‘I have a photo of a beautiful sign I saw there once, which had the words “everyone belongs”. ‘That’s the beauty of the library – everyone has the right to be there, whether you’re little or from the older generation or with disability.’

The Disability Action Plan for City of Logan means local libraries offer resources, programs and events to improve outcomes in community life for people with disability – and Jelena is now a part of that action plan.

She features in the new Logan North Library sensory-friendly map and story about visiting the library.

It is a visual and written guide for people of all ages and abilities to prepare for their library visit, and has information about the learning and development resources in the library’s new Accessible Collection

Sue says her daughter is now thriving in more ways than she could have ever hoped for and is no longer the timid girl she once was.

Thanks to the library inclusivity program, Jelena now feels confident enough to chat with library staff and visitors.

‘She now has a sense of worth because she feels respected and has a purpose at the library,’ Sue says.

‘It’s a reward in itself to be acknowledged as a person with disability.’

Sue says Jelena now feels like she belongs, and has gained confidence because she can do all her tasks.

‘The best thing you can do for someone with disability is to let them be a part of this world,’ Sue says.

‘It’s very lonely for a lot of children with disability who are often just sitting at home.’

Nowadays Jelena’s calendar is filled with meaningful activities, learning and friendship, including visiting the library to meet with a friend, where they read and play games together.

In a fun twist, Jelena is now also featured in the Logan City Libraries’ collections – in a cookbook published by nutritionist Suanne Lowery.

Sign up for a Logan Cities Libraries membership now.

Photo at top: Jelena Mijailovic has found a new world of purpose and inclusivity at Logan City Libraries.

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