• Councillor Jacob Heremaia in the Logan safety camera monitoring room
Division 8November 09, 2021 / 1 minute read

Eyes in the sky keep community safe

Five new safety cameras are keeping a watchful eye over Division 8 to help improve community safety.

Councillor Jacob Heremaia says the cameras play an instrumental role in preventing criminal and antisocial acts, while also helping police investigations.

“All of Council’s safety cameras link back to our state-of-the-art monitoring room, which is staffed around the clock,” Cr Heremaia says.

“All up, there are more than 900 cameras feeding into the monitoring room as part of the Logan Safety Camera Program.

“These cameras are strategically placed across the city to help the Queensland Police Service in its fight against crime.”

“Our safety cameras provide valuable intelligence to the police so they can act quickly. ”

— Councillor Jacob Heremaia

The new cameras are located at Park Ridge (at the intersection of East Beaumont Road and Chambers Flat Road), Heritage Park (Millwood Park) and Crestmead (at the Browns Plains Road/Magnesium Drive roundabout).

“Our safety cameras provide valuable intelligence to the police so they can act quickly,” Cr Heremaia says.

“Over the past year, police used the resources of our safety camera program more than 18,000 times and we were able to provide information relating to 300 stolen vehicles by identifying and tracking them on our cameras.”

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