Council, Division 8June 12, 2024 / 2 minute read

Park Ridge traffic lights to improve safety

Plans are being finalised for the upgrading of a busy intersection in Park Ridge, including the installation of traffic lights.

The upgrade will improve safety at the intersection of Park Ridge Road with Clarke Road to the north and Lindenthal Road to the south.

The upgrade project will be delivered by Logan City Council with support from the Australian Government’s Black Spot Program, which aims to reduce risk of crashes at locations where they have occurred, or are at risk of happening.

Currently, motorists wanting to enter Park Ridge Road from either Clarke or Lindenthal roads are faced by stop signs and required to give way in all directions.

Division 8 Councillor Jacob Heremaia says there has been a steady rise in traffic volumes through the 4-way intersection because of considerable population growth and development in Park Ridge and surrounding areas.

‘We’ve worked together as a community for this upgrade. It is fantastic to see funding allocated and I’m looking forward to seeing construction begin,’ Cr Heremaia says.

The project will include a signalised pedestrian crossing, the installation of traffic lights, and green-painted bicycle lanes will be added on the approaches to Park Ridge Road.

Work is expected to begin mid-2024.

Image at top: An artist’s impression of traffic lights at the intersection of Park Ridge, Clarke and Lindenthal roads.

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