Platypus still at home in our healthy waterways
The City of Logan’s elusive platypus remains hidden, but at home, in our waterways.
Five platypus samples were detected in the Albert River this year, during ongoing eDNA testing across 16 sites.
The encouraging results follow three positive samples detected in the river in 2018, which at the time, was the first definitive proof this unique animal is living in City of Logan waterways.
The sampling results have been confirmed by members of Council’s Platypus Watch program, who have sighted the platypus in the Albert River.
Logan City Council continues to protect and enhance local waterways as part of its 50-year Visions (2017-2067) for the Logan and Albert Rivers.
Riverside rehabilitation and revegetation projects remain a top priority of the plan, to improve the resilience of local ecosystems.
Council has also welcomed more property owners into its growing Environmental Conversation Partnerships program, which has almost 600 registered participants.
More than 180km of waterways and 5952 hectares of wildlife habitat are managed for conservation through the program, which involves Council working with property owners to preserve local ecosystems.
Council’s ongoing efforts have been reflected in the latest annual river health report card issued by Healthy Land and Water (HLW), an independent organisation that monitors 312 fresh and salt waterways across Queensland.
The Albert catchment was raised from a B- to a B due to ongoing improvements in its freshwater condition.
The Logan catchment remained a C+, though the report noted a significant decline in the pollutant load in the waterway.
Environment Chair Deputy Mayor Jon Raven said Council took a holistic approach to improving river health.
“We understand the big picture when it comes to conserving and caring for our creeks and rivers,” Councillor Raven said.
“Our programs and community-focussed initiatives help improve every aspect of our waterways, from the revegetation of our riverbanks, to reducing sediment run-off and pollution.
“We do this work because the community expects their Council to make a meaningful difference to the health of Logan’s waterways, which helps Moreton Bay too.”

Some of Council’s key environmental initiatives include:
- The Albert and Logan River litter management program
- The Logan and Albert Fish Habitat Enhancement Plan, designed to improve fish habitats and enhance fish movement
- A sustainable fishing campaign to improve fish health and fish populations
- Partnering with riverside private landholders through Land for Wildlife and Voluntary Restoration Agreements
More information on Council’s Environmental Programs is also available online:
- to join Council’s Platypus Watch program go to: Get involved – Logan City Council
- to find out more about Council’s River Visions go to: River Vision – Logan City Council
- to join Council’s Environmental Conservation Partnerships go to: Environmental conservation partnerships – Logan City Council