Council, Division 1June 05, 2024 / 1 minute read

Springwood school celebrates half century

Springwood Road State School opened in January 1974 against the backdrop of the Brisbane floods – but its sodden beginning has not proven to be a detriment over the past 50 years.

The floods delayed the school’s opening by a week, causing some equipment, paper and supplies in storage to go under water, and creating large muddy areas and a bare oval.

But all that is history, with the school about to hit the half-century mark later this year.

The state school’s P&C Association president, Brendan Manttan, says the community will be able to join together on Saturday, 7 September, to mark the milestone.

‘We’re in the early stages of planning, but there’ll be lots of fun activities, food, school tours and memorabilia,’ Brendan says.

Division 1 Councillor Lisa Bradley says the celebrations will create great memories for past and present students.

‘So many people have walked through the front gate over the past 50 years as parents, teachers and students, and there are so many stories to share,’ Cr Bradley says.

Photo at top: Cr Lisa Bradley (right) and students (from left) Samantha Staples, Max Tancredi and Sofia Staples are looking forward to the anniversary party for Springwood Road State School.

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