Arts + Culture, Movers + ShakersJune 06, 2023 / 2 minute read

Enterprising Mo snipping his way to success

Mo Alizadeh is an inspiring entrepreneur using ingenuity and dedication to succeed in not one, but 3 business ventures – all while still in Year 12 at Mabel Park State High School.

Mo recently gained worldwide attention with close to one million views on his TikTok video showing him cutting hair at Kingston Train Station.

‘I taught myself barbering on YouTube and now I’m a barber that local young entrepreneurs look up to,’ Mo says.

‘All the attention led to opportunities coming my way and my goal is to open my own barber shop after school, and also teach others.’

Mo was born in Iran to Afghani parents and is one of 6 children who now live in Logan.

He took part in the Creating Your Future Job Program sponsored by Logan City Council, and an Australian School of Entrepreneurship course where he learned about setting goals and cultivating an entrepreneurial mindset – something which comes naturally to the young businessman.

‘I started with mowing lawns, used that to fund my barber business called Local Blendz, and I have my clothing brand called Love Live Fashion,’ he says.

Supporting his family is a key motivator for Mo.

‘My parents chose to leave Afghanistan and moved to Iran, and I was born and raised there,’ Mo says.

‘When we came to Australia we had to adapt to a whole different environment and were treated differently. I’ve experienced proper poverty in Iran and I am doing this so my siblings don’t have to go through what I went through.

‘I want to provide for my parents and siblings and to create a new pathway for teenagers who want to be an entrepreneur like me and know that university is not the only way.’

When asked whose hair he would love to cut, Mo is quick to answer.

‘Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos – I have a whole list,’ he says.

‘I’d just chat to them and make a connection because once you connect to one, you connect to 2, and go from there!’

Find out more about Mo:

TIKTOK @localblendz_
INSTAGRAM @localblendz_

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