Movers + Shakers, People of LoganNovember 25, 2022 / 5 minute read

Volunteers sought at Logan Hospital

As a volunteer staffing the concierge desk at Logan Hospital, Wendy Frankcombe sees all facets of life. 

Since beginning her role there 18 months ago, she’s made firm friends, and helped countless people: giving directions, walking people to appointments, chatting to those who need a talk, and being a friendly face for people in tough situations. 

She says she loves everything about the gig – and some of her interactions are simply unforgettable. 

‘Once, a little boy of about 4 or 5 came up to us and said: “Thank you ladies for what you are doing; you are all lovely for helping us” and when you get things like that, it is really something,’ she says. 

‘We are a friendly face for people – many times when people come here they might be worried or scared, wound up or just feel lost in a hospital, and when they realise we are here to help them, walk them to their appointment, have a chat or whatever they need, you just see that relief. 

‘We also see grandparents or relatives just so excited to see a new baby – you see all of life.’ 

She says the volunteers at the hospital – there are currently 34 – are diverse – and there are benefits for everyone in volunteering. 

‘When my daughter was younger, I had to bring her here, and when I left after a long night I remember leaving and thinking, “when I retire, I would like to volunteer here” – and I did. 

‘My mum volunteered in a hospital too. She volunteered in a lot of places and she always said she got the most out of doing it at the hospital, and I really see what she meant. 

‘I also need to walk a lot for exercise and I certainly do a lot of that here! For those that doesn’t suit, they can do things that are desk based or behind the scenes.’ 

Logan Hospital’s acting volunteer coordinator Kylie Hoy agrees there is plenty for volunteers to do – and, since taking the management of volunteers in-house, the team at Logan Hospital is keen to welcome more volunteers on board. 

‘There is a range of things for our volunteers to do, and we’re looking to welcome more volunteers to our team – whatever time they can spare, whatever they are comfortable doing, we would love to hear from people,’ she says. 

From offering a listening ear and companionship to patients, helping with administration tasks, to providing concierge services, there is just one thing all volunteers need to have in common: empathy, and a willingness to help. 

Previously, volunteers at the hospital were managed by an outside agency, but the volunteer management has been brought in-house this year.  

‘We want our volunteers to have a real sense of belonging and of being a part of the team here – because that’s exactly what they are,’ she says. 

For more information about becoming a volunteer at Logan Hospital, email Kylie on or call 3299 8467. 

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