How to lend a helping hand this Christmas

At Christmas, the real spirit of Logan shines through.

Businesses, community groups, and individuals join together to ensure everyone has somewhere to turn to make the festive season a time of hope.

For many, Christmas isn’t automatically merry: for those struggling with loneliness, financial issues, health problems and more, this time of jollity can seem to amplify all that’s wrong.

Luckily, in Logan there is a huge number of ways to give back, and make things easier for those doing it tough in our community.

We’ve linked some of the organisations with great Christmas appeals underway that you can help with – and spread some more joy this festive season.

Be an Elf Christmas Appeal – Answer the Christmas wishes of a local child in need and sign up to Be an Elf!

Impact Church Angel Tree and Food Hampers – donate goods or food this Christmas. For the Angel Tree, pick up a tag from Impact Church front desk and go shopping; to donate to the hampers, take non perishable food items to the church in Slacks Creek.

Lighthouse Christmas Appeal – Help Lighthouse in their mission to grant the wishes of 400 Logan kids who have made their Christmas wish lists – and just need some local Santa’s Little Helpers to fulfil those wishes.

LECNA Christmas Appeal | Chuffed | Non-profit charity and social enterprise fundraising – LECNA is bringing meals, gifts and joy to locals doing it tough with their hampers. Donate to their cause so they can produce and distribute the hampers.

Logan House Fire Support Network’s Emergency Services Christmas Day Run – the annual Christmas Day convoy handing out lollies and gifts throughout Logan on a journey to Logan Hospital is taking donations until 15 December.

STAR Community Services Annual Secret Santa Appeal – Donate online or drop off gifts or food an one of a range of Logan locations listed on their website.


Do you need help this Christmas?

Logan City Council has put together a guide of services and events for people who may be experiencing loneliness, homelessness, or doing it tough during the holiday period. The guide contains information about:

  • free meals
  • emergency relief and Christmas hampers
  • community centre holiday closure dates
  • opportunities to lend a hand and help out those in need
  • free holiday family events and activities.

Find out more: Logan Holiday Season Support Guide





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