• Dr Nazia Ali and  Christine Mudavanhu
Movers + ShakersOctober 23, 2023 / 4 minute read

Migrant businesswomen thrive across Logan

When Dr Nazia Ali arrived in Logan in 2013 to start a new life, she struggled to continue her successful career in dentistry. She had been a practicing dentist in the UK, and her British Dental Association registration wasn’t recognised in Australia.  

She decided to take a new path, and took her love of teaching and use it to provide support to other migrant dentists seeking registration to practice dentistry in Australia. This led to the formation of the  ADC Warrior Academy. The program guides migrant dentists as they transition to the Australian system and seek to gain Australian licensing and work as dentists. 

The support of family has been critical to the success of ADC Warriors. Nazia says she couldn’t have launched her now successful business without the Migrant Women in Business Program. 

‘The Migrant Women in Business program supported me, helped me share my skills and experience, and it gave me an idea to start my own program supporting women,’ she says. 

‘I had to learn from YouTube videos to help with my dentistry exams, and I started to wonder how I can make it easier for people to learn. 

‘One day, I posted on Facebook to see if anyone wanted to learn about dentistry as I love teaching. People wanted the service and were willing to pay for it, and that is how ADC Warriors started.’ 

Logan has a range of programs available to women who would like to start a business – and the Migrant Women in Business program already has many success stories amongst its alumni. 

 Christine Mudavanhu designed the program in 2017 to provide a pathway supporting migrant women to become financially independent. There are many small business programs, but this one provides cultural support and creates a safe and supportive environment for migrant women to thrive. 

Christine runs the program from the Kingston East Neighbourhood Group in Slacks Creek. d. She is passionate about providing support for migrant women in business. 

‘The women that go through the program build business skills and confidence to forge new futures for themselves and their families,’ Christine says. 

‘With Logan being one of the most multicultural cities in Australia, it makes sense for Logan to be the home of Migrant Women in Business in Queensland.’ 

The program started as a pilot with funding from the Scanlon Foundation,  whose purpose is to see Australia advance as a welcoming prosperous and cohesive nation particulary related to the transition of migrants into Australian society. 

The sixth cohort of women starts this month at the Kingston East Neighbourhood Group. To find out more, contact Christine Mudavanhu – christine@mwib.com.au.  

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