• Councillor Natalie Willcocks visits Lavelle Park.
Council, Division 11April 17, 2023 / 1 minute read

Lots of love for Lavelle Park

Greenbank residents have a fun new place to play following an exciting upgrade at Lavelle Park.

The previous playground, benches, barbecues and picnic shelters have been demolished.

‘Lavelle Park is looking fantastic now with new play equipment including a basketball half-court, 5-metre-high activity net, 2 sand diggers, a treehouse and a multi-swing unit with 3 swings,’ Councillor Natalie Willcocks says.

‘We have installed new shelters with picnic tables, electric barbecues, bubblers and some more trees.

‘We’ve also made the playground safe with a shade structure and fencing.’

The upgrade also included an overflow car park, a new disability parking bay, pathways, bins and signage.

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